We're HOME!
We’re back home! Our sanctuary at Lifechurch Southfield is renovated. We have two services, 9:30am and 11:00am. See you there!
NEW sunday service TIMES
9:30am & 11:00am
Facebook Live & Youtube: 10:45am
21840 W Nine Mile Rd, Southfield, MI 48075
Welcome to LifeChurch Southfield! It’s our desire for everyone to come to Know Jesus, Grow in meaningful relationships with Him and with others, and to Go serve others in order to make a lasting impact on our world. We invite you to visit us and see what we’re all about!

The mission of LifeChurch can be broken down into three words: Know, Grow, and Go. It is our desire to see everyone come to KNOW Jesus as Lord, GROW in their relationship with God and with others, and then to GO serve others (whether that be in their families, the community, or throughout the world). The key focus of our weekly services is to offer experiences where people can come to know who Jesus is and how to begin a relationship with Him. So whether you’re new to LifeChurch or new to the concept of faith overall, these pages will answer more of your questions.